Monday, September 10, 2007

Graphic design

I have been experimenting with my CorelDraw software to see what king of graphic designs I can make with it. This is my first attempt. There will be more to follow as I get more proficient with design. FYI, if you are creating a jpeg for Blogger, you have to use the RGB color palette and not CMYK for the colors to show correctly.

This is a variation of the center part that I started out with:

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Fall flowers

Ah, the rewards of patience. I caught this fellow sitting on one of my Arizona Sun Indian Blanket flowers. He is know as a metallic green bee, genus Agapostemon.

The foregoing show the Arizona Sun Indian Blanket flowers in their various forms as they prepared to spread their seeds. They really get some interesting shapes
Found these out amongst my primroses.

Wild sweet peas which we obtained from seed in Elko years ago are near the end of their blooming season.
This is the first dahlia I have every grown. The flowers are about 2 inches across. Maybe they will be bigger next year.

I love the vivid colors of these plants. I think they are dianthus.
Fuschias are really pretty this time of year.
Looking pretty in red and white.
The holly tree is really happy right now. I have never seen so many berries forming on it. Must be a sign of something, maybe a long, hard winter?

I have removed all of my vinca majors (periwinkle) from the backyard planting area which I am redoing with plants and pavers. Should have pictures of the results next spring.